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How to Apply:

The College of Pastoral Supervision & Psychotherapy (CPSP)

The College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy (CPSP), committed to “recovery of the soul in the clinical pastoral movement,” is unique among chaplaincy professional organizations. The CPSP vision and organizing principles are expressed in the
CPSP prides itself on being the only fully integrated professional body that includes CPE supervisors, board-certified clinical chaplains and also those in training, as well as pastoral counselors and psychotherapists and those who train them, and other professionals. CPSP both accredits CPE programs and the board certifies fully qualified members according to very rigorous standards. The other major pastoral and spiritual care professional bodies are organized either according to separate member roles – as CPE supervisors or professional chaplains (APC), for example – or on the basis of members sharing a particular religious tradition (NACC for Catholic and NAJC for Jewish chaplains). Nearly every imaginable faith is represented in CPSP. With this diversity comes a serious commitment to collaboration and mutual support in what can be very challenging work.

Another CPSP distinctive among professional chaplaincy organizations is its requirement that all of its members be active participants in a small group known as a chapter. Board-certified members as well as those aspiring to be certified receive ongoing peer review and support in their chapter. The result is mutual accountability and ongoing professional development leading up to the annual renewal of board certification. For those who have recently completed their training, the chapter provides mentoring toward certification.


1. Complete the downloadable CPSP CPE Application Form by clicking â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹

2. This form can be completed by saving and printing, or simply by utilizing the fill-in feature embedded in the document.

3. Be certain to answer the questions thoroughly using as much space as seems necessary or appropriate. You may choose to answer Questions 1-4 in a separate Word document if you wish.
4. Attach the completed Application and any documents in an email and send them to:

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